For Immediate Release --

Buckle Guard PRO Makes Its Debut at ABC Kids Expo, Booth 607
Buckle Guard PRO…For Babies on the Move!
Minneapolis, MN (9-15-11) -- McNaughton Inc will be showcasing new Buckle Guard PRO, the next generation of child auto safety products, at the ABC Kids Expo in Louisville at the Kentucky Exposition Center, September 23-26, Booth 607.
Buckle Guard PRO is an auto safety device that prevents babies, toddlers, and older kids from unbuckling their seat belts while riding in a motorized vehicle. It’s more universal than the original Buckle Guard and will fit the larger seat belt buckles found in today’s cars, vans, SUVs, and buses.
Buckle Guard PRO has a sleek design and the famous FDA approved "Push and Turn" child safety cap that is used to secure the device. It easily slips onto the seat belt buckle without any tools and can be quickly removed by an adult or an older child. It works with car seats, booster seats, and standard seat belts, adding that extra layer of protection and peace of mind that parents require.
Babies and toddlers are curious by nature. It doesn’t take long before your sweet little darling is able to locate and press that tempting little red button on their seat belt buckle…and unbuckle their own seat belt! You also need to watch out for double trouble. Twins and young siblings can reach over and open each others’ seat belt buckles. Fortunately, Buckle Guard PRO can stand guard in the back seat while you drive the car. The device also works for special needs kids and adults and on school buses. Suggested retail price is $8.95.
McNaughton Inc is a Minneapolis-based manufacturer and distributor of Buckle Guard PRO, the original Buckle Guard, and Easy Stroll One-Handed Stroller Handle. The company celebrated its 26th year in business in 2011. View their entire line of products at
If you would like more information or to schedule an interview with Patrick McNaughton, the president of McNaughton Inc and inventor of Buckle Guard PRO, please call 763-595-0020, email, or visit
Susan Martinez, PR and Marketing Director 763-595-0020